
Communication And Passion – Lisa B Marshall

communication and passion - Lisa B Marshall
Passionate About Communications is Lisa B Marshall

Communication And Passion

Are you PASSIONATE about Communication? Everyone has a passion. One of mine is Speaking and Presenting Skills. My other one is helping others to speak, present, and lead better. I also like interviewing and writing. The result is this,  my podcast series –

Originally it was solely my High-Performance Leadership Project or HPL. But then it became a labor of love, such that, I decided to keep it going. It falls in line with many of my other projects and activities within Toastmasters. A large part of growing your speaking confidence is becoming a better communicator.

In addition, if yours, like mine, is COMMUNICATION, then stay tuned. I have the pleasure of interviewing Lisa B. Marshall of – Passionate About Communication. Developing communications skills is a large part of leadership development. You can’t have one without the other. They are cohesive elements that rely on each other.

You can also find her audio podcast – “The Public Speaker – Quick & Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communications Skills” on iTunes.

She has also written and published an e-book which I highly recommend, “Public Speaker’s Guide to Ace Your Interview”

I get a chance to ask Lisa a number of questions, these being;

  1. What is the most common question about Public speaking you get from your listeners?
  2. What are your top tips to overcoming your fear of public speaking?
  3. You don’t only speak about public speaking. What are the other topics you cover?
  4. Lisa is also a published author. What was the inspiration behind your first book, “Ace Your Interview”?
  5. Lisa’s 2nd e-book will be available soon. Can you give us a sneak peek at what it will be about?

Lisa is also available for group presentations and one-on-one coaching sessions. She has a loyal following on both FaceBook and LinkedIn.

Communication With Passion - Lisa's Latest Book Smart Talk
Smart Talk by Lisa B Marshall Softskills Manual For All Of
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I am a video marketer, videographer, blogger, story teller - always looking for the next story - YOUR story.I coach and write soft skills articles based on my experience to help you become a better speaker, leader, presenter and influencer.I capture and deliver your story in video so you can best connect with your audience.