Communication And Passion
Are you PASSIONATE about Communication? Everyone has a passion. One of mine is Speaking and Presenting Skills. My other one is helping others to speak, present, and lead better. I also like interviewing and writing. The result is this, my podcast series – TDKtalks.com
Originally it was solely my High-Performance Leadership Project or HPL. But then it became a labor of love, such that, I decided to keep it going. It falls in line with many of my other projects and activities within Toastmasters. A large part of growing your speaking confidence is becoming a better communicator.
In addition, if yours, like mine, is COMMUNICATION, then stay tuned. I have the pleasure of interviewing Lisa B. Marshall of www.lisabmarshall.com – Passionate About Communication. Developing communications skills is a large part of leadership development. You can’t have one without the other. They are cohesive elements that rely on each other.
You can also find her audio podcast – “The Public Speaker – Quick & Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communications Skills” on iTunes.
She has also written and published an e-book which I highly recommend, “Public Speaker’s Guide to Ace Your Interview”
I get a chance to ask Lisa a number of questions, these being;
- What is the most common question about Public speaking you get from your listeners?
- What are your top tips to overcoming your fear of public speaking?
- You don’t only speak about public speaking. What are the other topics you cover?
- Lisa is also a published author. What was the inspiration behind your first book, “Ace Your Interview”?
- Lisa’s 2nd e-book will be available soon. Can you give us a sneak peek at what it will be about?
Lisa is also available for group presentations and one-on-one coaching sessions. She has a loyal following on both FaceBook and LinkedIn.