
Communication Skill and Art Is Being Lost

Communication as Art

Communication is art. Every now and then I power up my “wonder box” and tune in to Jian Ghomeshi on CBC’s QTV , also found on YouTube.

I have now watched this specific interview with “The Amazing Kreskin – Mentalist” (who hales from Montclair, Mass, the US of A) several times. He has been around performing his mind-reading feats since the 70’s.

Listen to his message of how he has witnessed peoples’ lost art of communicating

Get a coffee or whatever favorite beverage you like, as it goes about 30 minutes.

If this isn’t another plug for Toastmasters and other forms of social development – and what it can do for you!

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I am a video marketer, videographer, blogger, story teller - always looking for the next story - YOUR story.I coach and write soft skills articles based on my experience to help you become a better speaker, leader, presenter and influencer.I capture and deliver your story in video so you can best connect with your audience.
