Interviews and Media Appearances
Innerpreneurship Explained
Your Life Unlimited with Stephanie Staples
Interviews and media appearances with other speakers are always fun for sharing and connecting. In December 2014, I had the pleasure of appearing live on Your Life Unlimited with host Stephanie Staples on radio station CJOB, Winnipeg, Canada. I spoke about innerpreneurship and my recent videography mission to Vietnam with a children's charity based in Calgary. The experience was a life changer for me, along with teaching me so many fundamental videography skills and volunteerism at its best.
Read Stephanie's article about Innerpreneurship with Ideas, Insight and Inspiration
Innerpreneurship Defined
Leadership Makeover Radio Show with Kamran Akbarzadeh
You can listen to my interview with Kamran by clicking this link
(the article writeup below is courtesy of Leadership Makeover Radio Show)
Terry, a dynamic speaker who listens to his audience, is personable, energetic, and passionate about connecting with people, His presentations can be thought-provoking, entertaining, motivating, or inspiring. He has spoken to youth, ESL, new Canadians, and mature audiences such as Rotary and the Optimists Club.
Having worked in the technology sector for 30+ years, Terry always finds a way to come back without giving up. Having worked for many companies and their dynamic environments has given him boundless experiences to draw upon for both his podcast and blog articles. With a vengeance, he has proven that “Geeks can Speak”.
Long having an affection for radio and the power of the carefully spoken word, Terry crafted and grew his podcast website with content related to leadership development. He enjoys interviewing experts in their own right. His podcast website, TDKtalks is syndicated on iTunes.
Recently, while between jobs (again) and refining his resume, his work history gave him an epiphany, as he came to understand INNERpreneurship. He assembled and delivered a 35-minute educational entitled, “ INNERpreneurship - The Rise of Self Destiny “
You can download my e-book talked about in this interview by clicking this line
Passionate About Video - How Video-Connects Began
Interview with Christina Marlett of Alberta Public Speakers Club
(click anywhere on the image below to open this interview on Facebook)