Things Break
First, to set things straight, Seth Godin beat me to it. He owns the copyright on, “This is Broken”
Not exactly remembering how I came upon his latest presentation at GEL 2006, I am only grateful that I did … That’s all that matters.
It doesn’t matter how we got somewhere, just that we DID get there. Always look forward !
Watch him speak at GEL 2006 – ( I did … several times in fact )
I too suffer from similar frustrations of “Broken”. But with some of mine, I suspect these are deliberate, for a variety of reasons, to frustrate us into submission. Perhaps to gain our attention. The non-conformance just stands out to capture our attention. After awhile, all order becomes indistinguishable and what stands out is disorder. Maybe that cycle has long started.
Like the consistent mailing campaign from my cable company & numerous credit card companies, several times a month. These go directly from my mail box, unopened, into my recycling bin, getting nowhere near the entrance to my house.
I just discovered Seth Godin several months ago, listening to an audio podcast (could relate to his perspective) and read his latest book “Linchpin”. I thoroughly enjoyed & recommend, if you like alternative & creative thinking.
What also opened my eyes is how quickly we just accept things, just the way they are. Many social & business systems, are now taking advantage of us by exploiting our unquestionable acceptance, regardless of how unjust or immoral, just because they see it so, to their benefit.
The very common one was the mail offer that you get. The default answer is, “Yes, I accept the offer and agree to pay $3,000 each month for the next $25, if you don’t hear back from me. No doubt many got caught in that scam in the early days. Since when is silence the default answer for acceptance?
No doubt, Seth Godin is an accredited & entertaining speaker – enjoyable to watch & listen to.
[…] I am a Fixer. Since I was in my single digits age, I loved learning how things work. My self study each morning during breakfast into the hardware catalogs on our kitchen table was fun. I remember constantly going over products that had simple sketches and pictures showing the product installed and in use around the yard or house. I didn’t realize at the time but in that daily practise, I was already developing my own process of discovering, absorbing, questioning and reaffirming the catalog curriculum. This was my first self discovery into design, process and relationships. […]