Soft Skills Articles
Where All Good Speeches Begin
Some articles are linked to my posts but you can read full versions below
I like writing because it is a challenge
Some of my writing never sees the light of day
I don't always get it right
But when I do I publish into a speech or video presentation
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Volunteerism Vietnam – On a Children’s Charity as Videographer – Part 1
Volunteerism as Videographer in Vietnam Begins Just Say Yes Volunteerism, unlike a full-time job, allows you to bring to life and apply your skills, ambitions, teamwork, and facets your current day job may never call upon. This I was to discover by exploring a simple wonder that kept bothering and enticing me to take action. […]
(Read Article)Accomplishment – The Smallest Completions Give You The Most Satisfaction
Accomplishment Accomplishment. I am not talking about the BIG, full-life, earth-shattering kind of feats that change the world. I am talking about an accomplishment that is a small mundane daily task you complete and don’t even know it. It is the task and sub-tasks you take for granted. When you complete them, they are done […]
(Read Article)Life of a Speech – Club Contest or Everyday Life
Speech Topics – Club Contest or Everyday Life Speech topics are always a challenge for junior speakers. This is the speech I delivered to the Hanoi Toastmasters club in August of 2015 while in Vietnam. I was there for my 2nd volunteer mission as a videographer with No Ordinary Journey Foundation organization and producing a […]
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