

Speaking to the Hanoi Toastmasters Club in downtown Hanoi Vietnam August 2015

Life of a Speech – Club Contest or Everyday Life

Speech Competitions Help Hone Your Speaking Skills

Speech Contests – Timing is Everything

Fear is always a human attribute that holds us back from exploring and growing

Softskills Unmasked – Demystifying Public Speaking

Softskills Refresher While at CES2017 in Las Vegas

Softskills Networking Connecting Refresher at CES 2017

Speech ending to a speech can sometimes difficult to identify

Speech Transition And Ending Your Speech


ASP Accredited Speaker Program – Toastmasters Public Speakers

3R Evaluation Technique

Evaluations of Speeches Using The 3R Method


Speeches Never Heard Never Written


Evaluation Contests and Winning

good and bad culture in the workplace

Speech Recalling or Retracting

Smart Talk Success - The Public Speaker's Guide to Success in Every Situation

Softskills Smart Talk – The Public Speakers Guide to Success

communication and passion - Lisa B Marshall

Communication And Passion – Lisa B Marshall

Speech Competitions Help Hone Your Speaking Skills

Being The Judge at Speech Contests


Perfection Sought – When Good Enough is Enough


Losing our Ability to Communicate with Each Other


The Anatomy of a Speech