Blog Talk Radio Interview
I was interviewed on BlogTalkRadio by Kamran Akbarzadeh of the Leadership Makeover Radio Show.
I spoke about Dawn of the INNERpreneur – the presentation I gave at the District 42 Spring Conference / April 2011.
Leadership Makeover Radio Show
I describe how I discovered INNERpreneurship, better communication skills and leadership abilities through my various career moves.
I also introduced my accompanying Free e-Book.
By sharing my experiences, I hope others can understand their career moves and learn how to recognize opportunities, just when you feel things are going awry.
Speaking skills, communications abilities and leadership traits are always in demand. So too, having those skills ready within oneself means you can use them
whenever the need arises. For me the requirement arose quickly, especially when I lost my job and had to reshape my resume. I also realized I have only 1 chance when I introduce myself in an interview or describe my capabilities.
The show is archived and you can listen to it by clicking on the picture above.
Watch the video of my presentation here – Dawn of the INNERpreneur
For more detail on INNERpreneurship, you can read my article on Ezinearticles – INNERpreneurship – The Rise of Self Destiny
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