
Videography Skills Learned – Documentary of a Charity Mission in Vietnam

Videography Skills Learned – Documentary of a Charity Mission in Vietnam

Recently I had the pleasure of talking about volunteerism on the radio show YourLifeUnlimited with host, Stephanie Staples.

I spoke on the virtues of volunteerism and how it contributes to your leadership development, not to mention other INNERpreneurial skills.

INNERpreneurship has been coined in the 2007 book “Karma Queens, Geek Gods and INNERpreneurs“. Unlike entrepreneurs, INNERpreneurs are also called “agents of change”. INNERpreneurship defined – ” INNERpreneurs use their facets to find personal fulfillment and growth, creatively, spiritually, emotionally… and create social change“. That is probably the most fundamental definition of a charity, good will or NGO organization.

Using my recent trip as videographer with No Ordinary Journey Foundation to Vietnam in March of 2014, I reflect on how a simple question got the documentary produced with Shaw TV. Shortly after, the second question was asked of me, “Do you want to be our videographer?”. These are examples of how asking a simple question, can yield the greatest results and your opportunity to personal growth; your leadership growth.

That is 1 of several reasons why I decided to team with No Ordinary Journey Foundation, as this children’s charity is an excellent example of an INNERpreneurship, while also drawing upon the volunteerism efforts of many talented health care professionals who are contributing their free time and skillset.

You can listen to the entire 1 hour archive at YourLifeUnlimited Talk Show with Host Stephanie Staples – INNERpreneurship

This emphasizes how important for us as leaders to ask simple questions of people around us, wether team members or not. If it wasn’t for these simple questions, the documentary would not have transpired, nor other important segways such as my personal leadership development.

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I am a video marketer, videographer, blogger, story teller - always looking for the next story - YOUR story.I coach and write soft skills articles based on my experience to help you become a better speaker, leader, presenter and influencer.I capture and deliver your story in video so you can best connect with your audience.